Frequently Asked Questions

New to KBC?

We are always glad to meet new people and welcome the opportunity to minister to anyone who wishes to draw closer to God, whether you have been a believer for years or you have no prior knowledge about Biblical Christianity.  As a Bible Church, we believe the Gospel is the world's greatest need and the only solution for a broken and hurting generation.  We are especially excited about the opportunity to share that Gospel with those who have yet to hear it.

Here are answers to some of the questions you may have as you consider joining us for one of our worship services.

  • Our regular service hours are as follows:

    Sunday School - 9:00 a.m.

    Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.

  • KBC does not have a set dress code, so people choose styles anywhere from casual to coat and tie.  We are less concerned with what style you wear and more concerned with ministering to you and meeting your needs.

  • Children are very important in God's eyes, and as such they are worthy of our utmost care and respect.  Your children will be taught to love and obey God through age-appropriate lessons and activities by loving and carefully selected volunteers, all of whom undergo background checks and are overseen by our children's ministry director.  For our youngest of attendees, two safe and clean nursery rooms are made available each Sunday morning.

    Starting at 9:00 a.m. we offer nursery care and Sunday School classes for children from newborn to 5th grade.

    Starting at 10:30 a.m. during Worship Service we offer nursery care for children from newborn to 5 years old.

    Children from Kindergarten to 5th grade are invited to attend Kingdom Kidz during Worship Service, right after the worship music portion of service.

  • The principal focus of KBC's Sunday morning service is to worship God.  As Scriptures dictate, we accomplish this by the public reading of scriptures, the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, corporate prayer, and faithful exposition of Scriptures.

    The typical worship service begins with scripture reading, singing, and prayer, and ends with the preaching of sermon series that generally work their way through entire books of the Bible.  We also partake in communion on the first Sunday of every month and practice water baptism by immersion at any opportunity.

    The music selection tends to consist of a blend of new music, traditional hymns, and well known praise and worship songs.  All the music is carefully selected to express God-honoring praise, inspire heartfelt devotion, and reinforce Biblical doctrine.

    Worship services last approximately one hour, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  Children are always welcome to attend worship services, and are encouraged to participate in prayer and singing.

  • KBC is a non-profit organization, the ministries of which are financed entirely by charitable contributions.  However, all contributions are voluntary, and there are no fees or dues required in order to attend or become a member.  You are welcome to contribute to our ministries as the Lord leads, being sure that your contribution is greatly appreciated and faithfully stewarded.

  • The best way to get plugged in to KBC is to pay us a visit in person.  You can meet our leadership team, get more information about our ministries, and learn about membership.  We also offer new members classes for anyone who wants more in-depth information about the doctrines and practices of our church.

  • We intentionally keep our vocational team small.  This affords our brothers and sisters the opportunity to use the resources and abilities God has blessed them with in order to volunteer and serve the Body of Christ.  There are plenty of opportunities to get plugged in to our ministries, so pay us a visit for more info.