Our Mission is to honor God

by making a difference

We want to equip you to make an impact on your friends and family and even the world. 

But where to begin? We want you to know that our church is a place where it is okay not to be okay. You don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to have personal struggles. We believe in God's grace, accepting people where they are to take them where they want to be. Of course, we have a great nursery, dynamic youth program, lots of mission activity going on, but it all revolves around the simple message that Jesus loves you and died for you and you can know him through simple faith. Then you begin a journey to becoming a disciple who makes a difference. We want to help you on the journey. 


Our mission is the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:18-19b). We will structure our church to make disciples.

Definition: A disciple who makes a difference is one who has believed in Jesus as his personal Savior and publicly identified with the church through baptism and becomes a lifelong learner and apprentice of the Lord Jesus. A disciple relentlessly strives to become like Jesus through a life of submission, self-sacrifice, and obedience. By the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, a disciple diligently learns and applies the Word of God, serves others, spreads the Gospel, and reproduces himself by making other disciples who make a difference.



Celebrating & Addressing God Together through Christ centered worship and biblical teaching... 


Learning Life Together through understanding God’s Word…



Sharing Love Together through meaningful relationships…



Serving Others Together by loving our community and our world…


KBC… making a difference in our community