Thank you for your interest in KBC. Here is a brief overview of our church to give you an idea of who we are.
Interested in visiting us? Check out this FAQ on what you can expect.
Characteristics of Kingwood Bible Church
Thank you for your interest in KBC. Here is a brief overview of our church to give you an idea of who we are.
Interested in visiting us? Check out this FAQ on what you can expect.
At KBC, we believe the Bible is the inerrant and inspired word of God. As a result, everything we do revolves around showing ourselves obedient to God by adhering to Biblical teaching.
We strive to do the things Scripture commands us to do, and abstain from the things Scripture forbids us to do. Our Sunday School classes are focused on profound Biblical study, and we practice expository preaching in the pulpit. We also put into practice the two ordinances instituted by the Lord Jesus - communion and water baptism. For more information on our beliefs, click here.
KBC organization is structured to be elder led, in accordance with Biblical teaching. This means that all the ministries of the church are subject to the authority of a plurality of elders, including lay members as well as vocational pastors.
Appointment to the position of elder is governed by the standards set fourth in the New Testament, particularly 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-5, and is confirmed by a gathering of all church members in special meeting. The elders themselves are bound to the authority of Scripture and accountable to each other and to the congregation of believers.
In Matthew 28:18-20 we learn that Jesus said to His apostles, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."
As followers of Jesus and students of the writings of His apostles, we also inherit the privilege and responsibility of sharing the Gospel to all who will listen, showing no partiality based on nationality or ethnic background (Romans 10:14-15; Acts 10:34-35). Our mission at KBC is to make disciples who make a difference. We accomplish this mission locally by our teaching ministries and fellowship with our community, and globally by supporting international missions and by sending out mission teams as the Lord gives opportunity.
A Place To Belong
At KBC, we strive to be a faithful, loving family that fellowships together, worships together, and shares in each other's struggles and successes. At the same time, we also enjoy welcoming and ministering to all those who wish to join us in drawing closer to the Lord.
We know that life is full of struggles, setbacks, and temptations, and that we all have sinned against a perfect and righteous God, falling far short of the mark in one way or another. Thankfully, we have a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who freely offers us forgiveness by His atoning sacrifice and the assurance of salvation for eternity. This knowledge enables us to meet you where you are, not with judgement and condemnation, but with hope, encouragement, and the Good News of redemption.
Have you been a Christian for years, mature in your faith and seasoned in your study of Scripture? Come join our mission to worship God faithfully and share the Gospel with our community and with the world.
you struggling in a difficult season of life, not knowing where to turn
or what tomorrow will bring? Come find what all believers have
personally experienced - the freedom and joy of forgiveness and
redemption that can only be found in reconciliation with God through His
Son, our Lord Jesus.