KBC Short Term Misson Trip: Indigenous Bible College

Indian Bible College Short Term Mission Trip - planned March 8-16, 2025. Our KBC team will serve IBC with a construction/maintenance project as well as relationship building within the college community.

IBC Website

The team covets your prayers in making this mission trip successful. 

Specific items for prayer include:

  • Travel safety to/from/in Flagstaff, AZ
  • Safety in implementing the project(s) to enhance IBC’s facilities
  • Opportunities to build relationships and share our faith with the staff and students at IBC
  • Great times of fellowship amongst the team and IBC staff and students
  • Fuller appreciation among the KBC team members of our role in the Great Commission
  • The raising of sufficient financial support to cover all expenses

Fund Raising:

Our missions team in action, on this mission trip now!  Thanks to the fundraising that was provided!

If you are interested in financially supporting the IBC team further, please click here to donate online. Please direct your gift to the IBC STMT fund. 

KBC Short Term Mission Trip:

Czech Republic - July 16-29th

Czech English Camp Short Term Mission Trip - planned July 16-29, 2025. Our KBC team will join a Czech church as the English teachers sharing English skills and our faith with them.