Our goal is to provide high quality children's programs to meet the needs of area families. Our programs include:
- Biblical instruction- our current curriculum is David C. Cook Bible-in-Life
- Trained staff (all of our children's church/youth volunteers go through a thorough background check)
- Safe, pleasant learning environment
- Hands-on programs
For more information, contact Dady Chapa, Interim Children's Director: dady@kingwoodbiblechurch.com
Nursery care is available during our 9:00 AM Sunday School and Worship Service at 10:30 from birth to 2 years old.
Sunday School - 9:00AM
Sunday School is offered to children ages birth through 5th grade. Children 6th grade and above are invited to participate in our youth program, Summit Student Ministry. It is our desire to provide a fun, age-appropriate learning environment designed to encourage each child to grow in the Word of God and develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
Worship Service- 10:30 AM
Childcare is available for children from birth to Preschool (3-5yrs) during Worship Service.
Children from Kindergarten to 5th grade are welcome to attend Kingdom Kidz during Worship Service.